
Taylor Swift is a happy single at 22

I’m really impressed with the way Taylor in Tod’s Loafers handles herself–not turning all #$%$ on us. I hope she’ll always have her head screwed on like this and not let fame and fortune go to her head. I AM a little concerned about her romantic connections (i.e., John Mayer, whose Rolling Stone interview a couple of years ago mentioned how he was so fascinated with masturbation–what a sick young man!) and hope that she’ll take her time and not “test the waters” with any other losers.Taylor in Tod’s Shoes, you’re young and beautiful. Enjoy your singleness. Spend time with friends. Grow and mature. I hope you meet someone in the future who will be your best friend, someone whom you’ll enjoy spending the rest of your life with. Now is not the time for you to worry about this.
Taylor Swift in Tod’s Ballet Shoes needs to grow up A LOT before she is ready for a serious, committed relationship. Sorry thing is she has a reputation now of whining, whining, boohooing and then turning around and writing a song about the poor guy that broke up with her. And to think, she makes money off this poor guy’s song!!! It’s going to take a lot of maturing (not just growing up, but maturing) and I think Taylor Swift in Tod’s Boots will have to prove to this poor, stupid, been living in a cave or just doesn’t know better guy that she’s ready for a relationship. 1 thing is for sure….she’ll never make the list of Southern Comfort anytime soon.
To paraphrase: She’s good at getting screwed and dumped by any celb guy with a line of crap and some free time to tap her while she’s still a child. Remember, kids these days don’t mentally mature until their late 20′s-early 30′s because of #$%$ poor parenting. Every generation coming along is taking longer and longer before moving out of their mommy’s basement while the children of most other civilized nations are fast outpacing our children. Taylor in Tod’s Fall Shoes is rich, talented, traveling the world, but mentally and emotionally is still a child. And let’s face it, what straight guy doesn’t want a girl like Taylor in Tod’s Moccasins to wrap those long legs around them while they bury themselves as deeply as they can in her?
Taylor Swift in Tod’s Handbag is really getting annoying. Always claiming she’s a dork or unlucky or blah blah blah. And it’s just irritating how she stares out at the crowd when she’s done singing like a 10 year old boy with that stupid innocent look on her rat face like “whaaaaatt?? I’m faamousss??” All her songs are about falling in love, having boyfriends, breaking up, or being betrayed. I mean get over yourself! for someone who is “unlucky” in love, why are all her songs about guys??? It’s people like her who just rub me the wrong way

