
Giuliana Rancic tell you how to get a better life

Wow, I am surprised by some of the negative comments. I always thought Giuliana Rancic in Tod’s Shoes was beautiful and she still is. She has handled getting cancer extremely well.. I applaud her positive attitude. I do think they are a great couple have watched a lot of their show. They are an extremely busy couple, when they become parents hope they will slow down enough to have the time to spend with their child. After all they have been through I hope they won’t make their careers their top priority,childhood is such a very short time,hope they will cherish every moment of it.
Brave woman! And what a wonderful husband Giuliana Rancic in Tod’s Ballet Shoes has…reminds me of mine, a man that truly takes his marriage vows seriously…she is very blessed as I am. And Giuliana…my mother is a 37 year SURVIVOR of breast cancer…so keep the faith! Giuliana and Bill have both handled this situation with dignity and love, and it is wonderful to see a man give his wife all the support she needs, and see her becoming stronger and more compassionate toward others as a result of her experience. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it was to have the double mastectomy, but I am glad Giuliana Rancic in Tod’s Fall Shoes has recovered so well, and I pray that she will be cancer free the rest of her life. Prayers and blessings for them both.
I think she is soooo awesome and I hope she has her baby and gets better!!! I love Bill when he was on Donald Trump’s show.. Nice couple I wish them well and will pray they have there baby soon. I am glad you are feeling good and back to work and enjoying life.Dont forget to always remember St.Jude is watching over you.be happy and enjoy life with Bill.your fan from miami. Love Giuliana in Tod’s Boots and Bill. Why not try adopting first instead of going the invitro way and then once you are more relaxed 9 times out of 10 there is always the possbility that you might get pregnant. Once you are so focussed on getting pregnant you are stressed even though you think you are not.
I’m happy she’s doing better. I’ve been watching her on E! News for years…before she got married. I so hope her and Bill have the baby they want. They seem like they would make good parents. I also hope Giuliana Rancic holding Tod’s Handbag gains some weight…she’s so thin.I love Giuliana and Bill. I think their positive attitudes are very inspiring. I honestly hope their dreams of having a family comes true. I think both of them will make wonderful parents. They seem to have a great relationship and both have wonderful families to support them. Especially at her age & wanting to have a baby, a few extra pounds would be good for her! My hat is off to her. Cancer is in my very personal life & half the battle is the emotional side. Having such a positive attitude, can also help in the physical recovery. Giuliana Rancic in Tod’s Loafers walks tall with grace & is truly an inspriration to us all. Be well in all she may do.
I have always wondered how she manages to get through all the pregnant celebrity news when she has tried so hard to have her own child. This woman has guts and serious strength. Can you imagine how difficult that must be, interviewing all those Hollywood moms when Giuliana Rancic in Tod’s Moccasins just wants to have a baby?Im sorry but I think she is living in fairytale land. Noone is ever that cheerful,happy and peppy after going through what she did! I am not saying she should be a Debbie Downer, but she is not even speaking of her fears and how you have scary and down days! She is such a perfectionist, its not a real world she lives in.

