
Walking As Straight with My Dsquared Elegance

Geri Jewell, the endearing cousin Geri in “The Facts of Life” owns the same plucky strength in her real life. The courageous lady has spent her entire life fighting with her misery. In her new book, the actress tells us how she walks bravely on her winding path with Dsquared Clothes.
Jewell has showed us with her disabilities in this famous sitcom in 1980s. The excellent comedian has brought us great joy and we are so impressed by the positive attitude of Geri. Now the star brings us more encouragement with her Dsquared Jeans by publishing a new memoir “I’m Walking As Straight As I Can: Transcending Disability in Hollywood and Beyond”.
Indeed, it’s so hard for a disabled person get success in Hollywood, a world full of gorgeous talents. In her recent interview, Geri introduced her new book to “People” magazine by putting Dsquared Shoes. “You know, I always think how lucky I am to make success in Hollywood world and become such an elegant lady with Dsquared Polo Shirt”.
In her new book, Jewell describes the details of her struggling towards her career as an excellent comedian: “As a person with such a disability, it never occurs to me that I could have my own stand-up comic. But I make it and realize my dream in an elegance way on Dsquared T-shirt. I’m so proud of myself.”
But she has suffered so much in her winding path towards success. Geri reveals in her memoir that she has struggled a lot during her growing up with disability: “It took me a long time to face it. And then I’ve been fighting against different challenges I’ve met with great courage. Now I think I can do whatever normal guys can and in better way by putting on my Dsquared Cap”.

